Masuk Daftar

ambil dgn paksa bahasa Inggris

  • ambil:    pick up; select; possess; put off; fetch;
  • paksa:    ram; insist; shove; constraint; impatient; force;
  • maju dgn paksa:    get ahead at all costs; elbow out of way; push way forward; shove aside; pushing and shoving; push aside
  • tarik dgn paksa:    yank; jolt; jerk; pluck out
  • ambil:    pick up; select; possess; put off; fetch; consume; do with; pick; lay; get; put down; kidnap; have; put away; occupy; grab at; ingest; lift; accept; use; choose; take; with; convey; carry; take away
  • paksa:    ram; insist; shove; constraint; impatient; force; argue; press; aggressive; crowd; forced; push; drive; influence; compel; coerce; squeeze; tense; pressure; determined; make do; hale; cause; violenc
  • ambil alih:    takeover
  • ambil angin:    draw breath
  • ambil bagian:    partaken; enter into; play a/no part in; take part in; attend; enter; be in; take part; be in for; participate; partake
  • ambil balik:    get back; take back
  • ambil contoh:    take for example
  • ambil cuti:    take leave
  • ambil dadah:    drug taking
  • ambil dari:    taken from
  • ambil gambar:    take photo